Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a process by which you search popular search terms, people who type in a search engine like Google, and include them in your content so that your content appears at the top in the search engine results page (SERP).
We must first understand what is Keyword? Keyword is a word, phrase or short sentence through which we search about a particular topic on the search engine.

Ex: If I search in Google "Best online shopping" or just "SEO", both of these are one keyword, because people search on them. Similarly, there are millions and even more keywords, which people search daily with the help of Google or other search engine. Some of them are popular keywords that people search more and some are searched less.

Keyword research is a process through which we find such profitable keywords about which more people are searching and how much competition is there on those keywords is also known.

Through proper keyword, we can get maximum organic traffic from the search engine.

You will get many such keywords, on which there is millions of crores of traffic, but keyword research is done so that we can find such keywords on which it is easy to rank them in the search engine along with good traffic.

If you type a word in Google search, then you will automatically show below a lot of popular keywords related to that keyword which gets a lot of traffic and from that you can also select keywords for your blog.

The main reason for Keyword research is that we find such keywords that people are searching for and a lot of traffic is coming to them. Because as much traffic will come to your website, you can earn money accordingly.

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